Andrea K. Stein
author : Andrea K. SteinNative Ohioan Andrea K. Stein is the daughter of a trucker and an artist. She grew up a scribbler. The stories just spilled out. A newspaper professional for twenty years, she also taught college journalism for several years. Running away to sea for three years, she delivered yachts to the Caribbean, earning a USCG offshore captain’s license.\n\nHer award-winning historical romances, “Secret Harbor” and “Fortune’s Horizon,” earned a first in Pikes Peak Writers’ fiction contest and finaled in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Colorado Gold competition.\n\nAfter self-publishing those titles in 2015, she wrote two novella sequels to release later this year. A five-novella Steampunk romance series debuts in 2016, and a three-book romantic comedy series with a co-author is set for 2017. View more >>Andrea K. Stein Book Series